Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I don't know about you, Miss Kitty, but I feel so much yummier

No offense to people with tribal tattoos, but they (the tattoos, not the people) generally don't generate much interest from me.

Unless they are incorporated into a bigger design concept (like this tiger lily piece), they don't seem particularly interesting. I know, I know, that's a sweeping generalization, and there will always be exceptions.

But tribal arm bands, anklets, or lower back designs are just that: designs. Often aesthetically pleasing, sometimes not. These tattoos (again, generally) are more about the look of the piece and the desire for a tattoo, than about a deep meaning about a specific person or event. Sure, you may have got that tribal piece to commemorate the time that your dog Lassie saved your son Timmy from a rattlesnake in the bottom of a well, but how does such a blogworthy event translate into an inked pattern?

But, I digress. The title of this post is "April's Tribal." On occasion, a tribal piece does call out to me, as April's did last Friday at the 86th Street subway platform in Bay Ridge. Again, there is no earth-shattering story behind it, and had it been smaller in scope on an ankle or lower back, I may have kept walking.

But April's tattoo is bold and striking:

She had this inked in Los Angeles in the early 1990s, by a friend with whom she has lost touch. He was just starting out as a tattooist.

Welcome to the Batman Tattoos blog, showcasing the best battoos (sorry) out there. This will just be a minimalist picture blog, like my other blogs and So enjoySuch a beautiful Old Skool example, from Valerie Vargas

She had initially envisioned having a short sleeve, but after the initial back piece was completed, she just never finished it off. April didn't seem too concerned, though: "It's on my back, so I never see it," she smiled.

Vincent Bears the Spear of Longinus

I met Vincent Corrigan on the way to the subway on 33rd Street between 7th and 6th Avenues. It was a giant arm piece that crawled up under his shirt and onto his shoulder that first caught my eye.

However, he offered up the piece above and, in the course of speaking with him, I took pictures of three other tattoos that were notable. I am going to discuss them in reverse order.

First, this piece may be familiar to many:

That's the Guinness harp, a trademark recognizable to beer connoisseurs:

Not to overstate the obvious, but Guinness is a dry stout beer that originated in Dublin, and is thus a matter of pride for the Irish. Mr. Corrigan, as one might venture from his surname, is of Irish ancestry.

The harp is on the top of his left bicep and is one of his older pieces. In fact, he credits Ryoko at Brooklyn Tattoo for taking what was previously a bit of shoddy inkwork, revitalizing it with some excellent restoration and making a respectable tattoo out of it.

Further down the arm, on Vincent's inner left forearm, are two symbols I recognized immediately:

The top one is the logo familiar to fans of the band Audioslave. The fiery emblem appeared on the band's debut album cover.

Vince is a singer and a huge fan of the singer Chris Cornell (lead singer of Audioslave, and more famously, Soundgarden).
I also am a fan of Cornell's (although I haven't seen him in concert,
unlike Vince who guesses he's seen him twenty times).

Below the Audioslave logo is one of the four runes representing band members from Led Zeppelin:

These runes appeared first on the band's fourth album. The rune tattooed on Vincent's arm is the one on the far right and according to Wikipedia:

Robert Plant's symbol is the feather of the Egyptian goddess Ma'at, representing truth, justice, fairness and writing, encapsulated by an unbroken circle representing life. According to Egyptian mythology, Osiris, the god of judgment and death, would take the heart of those who died and put it on a balance with the feather of Ma'at. If the heart outweighed the feather, the person's soul would go to hell, but on the other hand, if the heart was lighter than the feather, the soul would go to heaven.

However, Plant's rune is significant to Vincent because he is the lead singer.

And now to the amazing piece at the top of this post, well worth another look:

Vincent indicates that this is the "Spear of Longinus," one of the many names given to The Holy Lance, which was the weapon used to pierce the side of Jesus Christ during the Crucifixion.

The name Vincent has an origin in the meaning of the word conqueror and the surname Corrigan
derives from a root word which means "spear" or "lance". It is this primary parallel that gave Vincent the urge to ink this relic of Christianity onto his arm. It appears that the tattoo is modeled after the Hofburg Spear which is kept in Vienna.

This spear is an object of fascination in literature and the arts, often as the subject matter for narratives pertaining to the Crusades, with a link in some cases to Ireland. This brings the spear of Longinus an additional link to Vincent's pride in his Irish ancestry.

The spear tattoo, along with the Audioslave and Robert Plant tattoos, was inked by artist Eric Wigger at The Devil's Rose Tattoo in Blue Point, New York, on Long Island.

tattoos blogspot

Triskel tribal

Triskel tribal (view original image) (view original image)

Tribal Parrot Tattoo

Tribal Parrot Tattoo


From: (view original image) (view original image)

Friday, September 30, 2011

writing tattoos for girls

writing tattoos for girls

writing tattoos for girls

writing tattoos for girls

writing tattoos for girls

writing tattoos for girls

writing tattoos for girls

writing tattoos for girls

writing tattoos for girls

writing tattoos for girls

writing tattoos for girls

writing tattoos for girls

writing tattoos for girls

writing tattoos for girls

writing tattoos for girls

writing tattoos for girls

writing tattoos for girls

writing tattoos for girls

writing tattoos for girls

writing tattoos for girls

writing tattoos for girls

#16 Faith-Themed Tattoos

Nothing quite says "X-treme Faith" to the white Christian like an awesome faith-themed tattoo. That's right- "X-treme," not "Extreme." Referring to extreme things without using proper spelling makes them more extreme.

Like every white person, white Christians enjoy body art. Tattoos allow white Christians that are "in creation" (outdoors) in warm weather to engage in ripped bod, flesh-revealing ministry.

The tattoo connoisseur will notice two distinct differences between standard tats and white Christian tats:

1) The white Christian tattoo
will include a cross, Jesus fish, or Bible verse reference... this is non-negotiable.

2) While non-Christians enjoy Chinese symbols and images as part of their
tattoos, white Christians prefer symbols that are Hebrew or Greek. Hebrew or Greek imagery allows for the same "old world" look and feel as Chinese tats, while remaining relatively more Biblical... even if the white Christian has no idea what the Hebrew or Greek symbols mean.

Curious onlookers observing white Christian
tattoos are encouraged to approach the body palate and ask about the meaning behind the tattoo symbolism. However, in approaching a tattooed white Christian, be forewarned: if a verse-reference tattoo contains ONLY the passage (for example, "Psalm 29:11"), and not the actual text of the verse, don't expect this white Christian to know what the verse says, as he/she has not memorized it. The fact that the verse is permanently embedded in the skin of the white Christian is significant enough- there is no memorization necessary. This is a rare variety of taking in scripture through osmosis- just because the verse is on the skin does not mean that it's in the brain.

For other white Christians, it's best to just put the entire verse on their body... yikes.

Home « White Tattoos – A Unique Touch Incredible Cross Tattoos For Men » Faith Tattoos, Designs, Images And Ideas

ach has its own set of beliefs. These beliefs can be theological in nature, or may be simply a set of beliefs and norms established for their own lives. In both cases, many people like to show their faith with the faith tattoos. These works of art to express their devotion, confidence in that belief.

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Faith Tattoos-2193089795_ec03776a59Faith Tattoos-Keith Urban Tattoos

Most tattoos tend to believe in religion. These songs show the symbols that every religion considers important. For example, a person who believes in Catholicism to create a scene of a dove (symbol of the Holy Spirit Roman Catholic), flying high on a lamb (an important symbol of purity, and Jesus Christ – or rather the sacrificial lamb). A Buddhist may stamp the imprint of the Buddha’s Bodhi Tree, when someone can not believe Hinduism to create a beautiful mandala. Religious items such as crosses, rosaries and candles are also quite common in this style.

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Many people prefer to believe tattoos faith belief that use of sources of unfamiliar concepts. For example, you can see symbols like the Khanda (two swords strapped on the bottom, and a double-edged sword in the center, which is supposed to represent creativity, duality and the universal power of God in Sikhism) is could see the image of a kachina, which is said to be an intermediary between the mind and the universe of life, some people may use the figures of their faith astrological tattoos – not only because they have a belief in this area; because most religions mention the stars of one form or another. Runes, pentagrams, and specific figures are also popular for this particular model.

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Many people create belief tattoos, which expresses a relationship between people from all walks of life. An example of this would be to create a globe surrounded by some of the main symbols of major religions. You can also view a person who is an amalgam of many religious figures, and this face can be done on foot among the public, or in a scene from a number of places of worship.

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Although everyone thinks differently, one common factor is that almost everyone has faith in something. This belief may be an almighty God, a spirit that guides us, or interest in itself. Whatever your beliefs may be, believe tattoos are a great way to express them permanent and the world around you.

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