Friday, September 30, 2011

#16 Faith-Themed Tattoos

Nothing quite says "X-treme Faith" to the white Christian like an awesome faith-themed tattoo. That's right- "X-treme," not "Extreme." Referring to extreme things without using proper spelling makes them more extreme.

Like every white person, white Christians enjoy body art. Tattoos allow white Christians that are "in creation" (outdoors) in warm weather to engage in ripped bod, flesh-revealing ministry.

The tattoo connoisseur will notice two distinct differences between standard tats and white Christian tats:

1) The white Christian tattoo
will include a cross, Jesus fish, or Bible verse reference... this is non-negotiable.

2) While non-Christians enjoy Chinese symbols and images as part of their
tattoos, white Christians prefer symbols that are Hebrew or Greek. Hebrew or Greek imagery allows for the same "old world" look and feel as Chinese tats, while remaining relatively more Biblical... even if the white Christian has no idea what the Hebrew or Greek symbols mean.

Curious onlookers observing white Christian
tattoos are encouraged to approach the body palate and ask about the meaning behind the tattoo symbolism. However, in approaching a tattooed white Christian, be forewarned: if a verse-reference tattoo contains ONLY the passage (for example, "Psalm 29:11"), and not the actual text of the verse, don't expect this white Christian to know what the verse says, as he/she has not memorized it. The fact that the verse is permanently embedded in the skin of the white Christian is significant enough- there is no memorization necessary. This is a rare variety of taking in scripture through osmosis- just because the verse is on the skin does not mean that it's in the brain.

For other white Christians, it's best to just put the entire verse on their body... yikes.

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